Everything You Need To Know About Setting Up Rice Mill Machinery

 In Latest News, Rice Mill Industry, Rice Milling Machines

With rice being the staple food of a majority of Indian homes, rice farming is the main source of income for millions of farmers who make a living by cultivating paddy. Owing to the huge demand, rice forms to be one of the major crops which are cultivated on a wide scale all over the country. This makes rice milling the biggest agro-processing industry in India.

Rice stands out as the third most cultivated crop worldwide, with corn and wheat being the other two. India is the second largest rice producer in the world after China and even happens to be a leading exporter. This makes rice mill one of the most lucrative businesses in the Indian subcontinent. And, owing to this huge global demand for rice, starting rice milling business by setting up equipment like the paddy dryer plant can be very beneficial.

rice mill machinery india

Check out the handy guide below to learn everything you need to know.

What Is Rice Milling?

Rice milling is an integral process of rice production. Rice milling is done for removing the bran and husk layers to produce whole white kernels. The process of rice milling entails – pre-cleaning, de-husking, paddy removal, polishing, whitening, grading, mixing, polishing as well as packaging. And just like every other country where rice is produced on an extensive scale, rice milling has been in India for quite a long period of time.

Recent technological advancements have come a long way in the development of rice mill machines. Today, eminent manufacturers and suppliers specialise in offering premium quality rice mill machinery, manufactured under strictest quality control procedures. No matter how rough the conditions are, these machines can function smoothly and fulfil your requirements.

Importance Of Efficient Rice Mill Machinery

  • To meet the growing needs of the society and ensure continuous cultivation and production of these crops
  • To encourage the economic growth of the country
  • To ensure premium quality production and remove the imperfections of paddy

Machinery Required For Rice Milling Plant

Some of the basic machinery essential for rice milling plant is-

  • Paddy husking machine
  • Rice polishing machine
  • Rice whitening machine
  • De-stoning machine
  • Grading machine
  • Paddy dryer

How To Set Up A Rice Mill?

  • Acquire a well-connected land space
  • Finalise the orientation & position of machinery
  • Ensure adequate water and electric supply
  • Storage planning
  • The utilisation of wastage removal & by-products
  • Periodic check to ensure quality control

Time to approach a leading manufacturer of rice mill machines!

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